How do you tag our instruments?
We manage the shipping process for your tools to our facility. Once received, we tag the instruments and return them to your sterile processing department. Following your established sterilization procedures, they are ready for immediate use.
Is the Mentelist solution regulated?
Our solution does not alter the instruments nor does it impact patient care, thereby exempting it from FDA regulation. We utilize a specialized dipping process for tagging instruments to ensure they do not harbor bioburden, addressing concerns raised by the Joint Commission regarding instrument tapes.
How do we sterilize the tagged instruments?
Our RFID tags are designed to withstand autoclaving and can seamlessly integrate with your current sterile processing protocols.
Where is the antenna placed during surgery?
The antenna should be positioned within twelve inches of the surgical site but outside the sterile field.
Do I need to scan each instrument before use?
Instruments are automatically detected by the sensor during surgery, allowing the OR team to proceed without interruption. The Mentelist solution captures instrument usage data in real-time behind the scenes.
How is the OR prepped before surgery?
Mentelist is designed to minimize disruption to the OR setup and Mente provides procedure specific education, ensuring seamless integration into existing workflows.
Does the Mentelist solution leverage any patient data (PHI)?
No patient health information (PHI) is required for utilizing Mentelist for tray optimization.
How is the instrument usage data shared?
Mente provides instrument usage data to hospital stakeholders at a frequency determined through mutual agreement, facilitating informed decision-making during tray optimization.
Once we have the data, what's next?
Upon gathering sufficient data, Mente generates a tray recommendation for feedback from the care team. Once finalized, Mente collaborates with the sterile processing team to implement the optimized tray efficiently.
Deliver sterile processing efficiency while ensuring surgeon satisfaction